So Now You’re a Manager: Embracing my first leadership role

Aaron Sachs
2 min readJan 21, 2022

I’ve thought about being in a formal leadership role for a long time. I even remember one of the first conversations I had with a team lead about what I wanted to do in my career.

He’d asked me, “So what do you think you want to do in a few years?”

“I want to be a manager!” I replied enthusiastically (if not naively).

Actual picture of me thinking about being a manager/leader

“Why is that?” He asked

“Because I care for people and I love mentoring!”

Looking back on that conversation, I realized how I must have sounded to my team lead.

I had no concept of budgets, working collaboratively with other departments, or even what it looks like to have to fire someone (let alone place them on a PIP). All I knew is that I thought myself a pretty good mentor, cared about the folks I worked with, and that should suffice — I could pick up whatever else I needed to know (like budgeting, collaborating, and having hard conversations). Put simply, I had no idea what I was getting myself into.

It’s been a decade since I had that conversation and I’ve had a number of leaders and managers since then. Some bad, a few really great ones, and a whole host of them that fill in the spectrum between those two points.

As a new manager, the last thing I want is to have someone tell me “You’re pretty bad at this.” So my hope is that by chronicling my experience as a new manager, I can avoid having that happen.

I also want to use this space as a means of reflecting on my journey as a manager and use those reflections to hone this newfound craft of being a leader and apply those to my particular niche in tech: Supporting customers.

My hope is that you’ll join me as I learn how to be a leader and if nothing else, maybe learn from my mistakes.





Aaron Sachs

Husband, homebrewer, clawhammer banjo enthusiast, support engineering leader. Sometimes I write things.